Agenda 04 - 10 Oktober 2015
Zondag 04 Oktober

Global Imaginations - 20 toonaangevende hedendaagse kunstenaars uit alle continenten
20 toonaangevende hedendaagse kunstenaars uit alle continenten tonen op uitnodiging van Museum De Lakenhal hun visie op de huidige geglobaliseerde wereld. Dit doen ze aan de hand van bestaand of nieuw werk, waarbij ze zich laten inspireren door Leidse museale collecties. Het resultaat is een boeiende afspiegeling van actuele thema’s en ontwikkelingen in de ons omringende wereld. De werken – vaak grootschalige installaties, videoprojecties, sculpturen, etc. - zijn te zien in De Meelfabriek, een imposant, voormalig industrieel complex aan de rand van Leiden. Tot de geselecteerde kunstenaars behoren de Ghana ThinkTank, een mondiale denktank die in 2006 in Ghana werd opgericht door Christopher Robbins, John Ewing en Matey Odonkor.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Maandag 05 Oktober

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Dinsdag 06 Oktober

New exhibition 'Vive la paix': Paintings by Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Senegal)
Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Dakar, 1974) is a versatile Senegalese artist who, since 2013, has lived and worked in The Hague, the Netherlands. His original work ranges from traditional to timeless and his style is expressive, colourful and cheerful. Lodia’s West African art is conspicuous for its inspiration, flair, swinging characters and heartfelt messages.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Woensdag 07 Oktober

New exhibition 'Vive la paix': Paintings by Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Senegal)
Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Dakar, 1974) is a versatile Senegalese artist who, since 2013, has lived and worked in The Hague, the Netherlands. His original work ranges from traditional to timeless and his style is expressive, colourful and cheerful. Lodia’s West African art is conspicuous for its inspiration, flair, swinging characters and heartfelt messages.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Donderdag 08 Oktober

New exhibition 'Vive la paix': Paintings by Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Senegal)
Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Dakar, 1974) is a versatile Senegalese artist who, since 2013, has lived and worked in The Hague, the Netherlands. His original work ranges from traditional to timeless and his style is expressive, colourful and cheerful. Lodia’s West African art is conspicuous for its inspiration, flair, swinging characters and heartfelt messages.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Vrijdag 09 Oktober

New exhibition 'Vive la paix': Paintings by Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Senegal)
Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Dakar, 1974) is a versatile Senegalese artist who, since 2013, has lived and worked in The Hague, the Netherlands. His original work ranges from traditional to timeless and his style is expressive, colourful and cheerful. Lodia’s West African art is conspicuous for its inspiration, flair, swinging characters and heartfelt messages.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.
Zaterdag 10 Oktober

New exhibition 'Vive la paix': Paintings by Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Senegal)
Ibrahim 'Lodia' Diallo (Dakar, 1974) is a versatile Senegalese artist who, since 2013, has lived and worked in The Hague, the Netherlands. His original work ranges from traditional to timeless and his style is expressive, colourful and cheerful. Lodia’s West African art is conspicuous for its inspiration, flair, swinging characters and heartfelt messages.

exhibition: Afrika Architecture, Culture & Identity
Proud to announce the opening of Afrika / Architecture, Culture and Identity which will take place on Wednesday June 24. The exhibition will be opened with a speech by ArchiAfrica chairman Joe Osae-Addo. Especially for this exhibition I made four slideshows, showing Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi and Kinshasa, selected out of the large archive that I produced working on Africa Junctions. From the series Africa Junctions - Capturing the City, there will be five large wall-prints shown.