Agenda 08 - 14 November 2015

Maandag 09 November

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
promotie: Nile perch and food-web interactions in south-east Lake Victoria
Maandag 09 November 2015 11:00

PhD defence. Eutrophication, Nile perch and food-web interactions in south-east Lake Victoria. PhD candidate: IJM (Ilse) Cornelissen. Promoter: prof.dr. JAJ (Johan) Verreth. Co-promoter: LAJ (Leo) Nagelkerke, dr J Vijverberg. Organisation: Wageningen UR, Aquaculture and Fisheries


Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Lezing en debat
ASC Lunch Seminar: International NGOs and African knowledge institutes
Maandag 09 November 2015 13:00 - 14:00

Lunch seminar: International NGOs and African knowledge institutes: Exploring ways for successful collaboration. The Dutch Consortium for Rehabilitation Knowledge Network (DCR-KN) will reflect on its experiences with ‘knowledge networking’ in DR Congo, South Sudan, Burundi and Uganda.  During this lunch seminar we would like to share and specifically reflect on the practices and experiences of the African Studies Centre and DCR-KN regarding the collaboration with national knowledge institutes and to discuss the added value, lessons and challenges of these collaboration structures. Please bring your own lunch. The ASC will provide coffee/tea.  Please register


Dinsdag 10 November

Nederland, Wageningen - Forum Universiteit Wageningen - Lezing en debat
Seminar: Great lakes in transition: Social and Ecological Drivers of Ecosystem Change
Dinsdag 10 November 2015 10:00 - 12:30

Organised by Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS). Location: Zodiac Building, room A0107. Seminar on the occasion of the thesis defense of Ilse Cornelissen, Aquaculture & Fisheries Group, Wageningen University


Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar: The fabled manuscripts of Timbuktu
Dinsdag 10 November 2015 15:30 - 17:00

Historically, Timbuktu was the central site of intellectual activity in Sahelian Africa. The world held its breath when its libraries were under threat during the Islamist takeover of northern Mali in 2012. But what exactly is in the manuscripts there? And how did Saharan scholarship develop after the 17th century? This has been a mystery shrouded in the hundreds of thousands of documents and books alledgedly awaiting discovery. The final volume of The Arabic Literature of Africa catalogues and comments on the legacy of the libraries of Timbuktu and Mauritania. Speaker: Prof. Charles Stewart, Emeritus Professor University of Illinois Please register


Donderdag 12 November

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
promotie: Understanding Productivity of East African Highland Banana
Donderdag 12 November 2015 11:00

PhD defence. Ky'osimba Onaanya: Understanding Productivity of East African Highland Banana. PhD candidate: G (Godfrey) Taulya. Promoter: prof.dr. KE (Ken) Giller. Co-promoter: PA (Peter) Leffelaar, dr ir PJA van Asten. Organisation: Wageningen UR, Plant Production Systems
