Agenda 01 - 07 Februari 2015

Woensdag 04 Februari

van wo04.02
t/m zo08.02
Mali, Segou - Segou - Evenement
Festival sur le Niger

Since its inception in 2005, the Festival on the Niger has rapidly become a major cultural event of unprecedented scale in Mali. Held in early February in the city of Segou, the Festival Sur le Niger is a true multidisciplinary event, offing a program of music, dance, theater, art exhibitions, discussion forums, conferences and more.


Donderdag 05 Februari

van wo04.02
t/m zo08.02
Mali, Segou - Segou - Evenement
Festival sur le Niger

Since its inception in 2005, the Festival on the Niger has rapidly become a major cultural event of unprecedented scale in Mali. Held in early February in the city of Segou, the Festival Sur le Niger is a true multidisciplinary event, offing a program of music, dance, theater, art exhibitions, discussion forums, conferences and more.


Vrijdag 06 Februari

van wo04.02
t/m zo08.02
Mali, Segou - Segou - Evenement
Festival sur le Niger

Since its inception in 2005, the Festival on the Niger has rapidly become a major cultural event of unprecedented scale in Mali. Held in early February in the city of Segou, the Festival Sur le Niger is a true multidisciplinary event, offing a program of music, dance, theater, art exhibitions, discussion forums, conferences and more.


Zaterdag 07 Februari

van wo04.02
t/m zo08.02
Mali, Segou - Segou - Evenement
Festival sur le Niger

Since its inception in 2005, the Festival on the Niger has rapidly become a major cultural event of unprecedented scale in Mali. Held in early February in the city of Segou, the Festival Sur le Niger is a true multidisciplinary event, offing a program of music, dance, theater, art exhibitions, discussion forums, conferences and more.


van za07.02
t/m zo08.02
Nederland, Amsterdam - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (Stadsschouwburg) - Evenement
Tikkop - Geënsceneerde reading van Adriaan van Dis' Zuid-Afrikaroman

Stichting Julius Leeft! presenteert de geënsceneerde, muzikale reading Tikkop, naar de roman van Adriaan van Dis, in de regie van John Leerdam. Diverse coryfeeën uit de politiek, kunst en wetenschap verlenen ook voor deze editie hun medewerking. Met o.a.: Adriaan van Dis, Frits Barend, Noraly Beyer, Maartje van Weegen, Joop Daalmeijer, Raymi Sambo, Jeffrey Spalburg, Urmie Plein, Paulette Smit, Izaline Calister, Gerda Havertong, Tutu Puoane, Whitney Gesser.  Muziek Wim Lohy, Raymond Kaitjili, Victor Lekransy, Ed Verhoeff e.v.a.
