Agenda 28 Juni - 04 Juli 2015
Zondag 28 Juni

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.

Lulu (opera) in Holland Festival - regisseur William Kentridge (Zuid-Afrika)
Lulu. Wie haar ziet is verkocht. Wie met haar trouwt is ten dode opgeschreven. Voor het eerst presenteert De Nationale Opera de complete versie van Alban Bergs meeslepende opera over de bedwelmend mooie femme fatale die uiteindelijk in een dramatische ontknoping zelf tot een gewelddadig einde komt. Regisseur William Kentridge laat zich voor zijn enscenering inspireren door de zwijgende films uit de jaren 20 en 30 van de vorige eeuw, de tijd waarin de opera Lulu ontstond. In 2012 was hij te gast in het Holland Festival met de kameropera Refuse the Hour. William Kentridge (1955) is een Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar en theatermaker wiens werk vrijwel altijd een politieke lading heeft.
Maandag 29 Juni

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.
Dinsdag 30 Juni

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.
Woensdag 01 Juli

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.
Donderdag 02 Juli

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.
Vrijdag 03 Juli

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.
Zaterdag 04 Juli

Boma (Mkutano) - co-production ID, Dansgroep A'dam, dance company Sarakasi from Nairobi, Kenia & ITS
Choreography: Corneliu Ganea. 6 Kenian dancers, 2 dancers from the ID and 2 dancers from Dansgroep Amsterdam. Boma is Swahili for enclosed homestead; many different Bomas represent Kenya’s major ethnic groups and refers to the open minded approach of this culturally rich and exciting production. Corneliu Ganea examines the origin of Kenian dance, how Kenian dancers react to our academic way of modern dance and what our western dancers could integrate in their performances. Meeting each other’s culture and change are in the focus of attention. In short: A battle of cultures with mutual respect and understanding.