Agenda 28 Augustus - 03 September 2016
Dinsdag 30 Augustus

PhD: Examining growth, yield and bean quality of Ethiopian coffee trees
Dinsdag 30 Augustus 2016 11:00 - 12:30
Title: Examining growth, yield and bean quality of Ethiopian coffee trees: towards optimizing resources and tree management. PhD candidate: AD (Adugna) Bote. Promoter: NPR (Niels) Anten. Co-promoter: J (Jan) Vos & prof. FL Ocho. Organisation: Wageningen University, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis

Promotie Corporate Governance and the Liability of Corporate Directors: the Case of Rwanda
Dinsdag 30 Augustus 2016 16:15
Op dinsdag 30 augustus 2016 verdedigt promovendus Didas Kayihura zijn proefschrift met de titel 'Corporate Governance and the Liability of Corporate Directors: the Case of Rwanda'. Promotor: A.F.M. Dorresteijn
Woensdag 31 Augustus

PhD: Crop intensification & water balance in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Woensdag 31 Augustus 2016 13:30 - 15:00
Title: Crop intensification options and trade-offs with the water balance in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. PhD candidate: MG Debas. Promoter: MK (Martin) van Ittersum. Co-promoters: H (Huib) Hengsdijk & KKE (Katrien) Descheemaeker. Organisation: Wageningen University, Plant Production Systems
Vrijdag 02 September

PhD: Competence Modelling for Export Performance Improvement in Ethiopia
Vrijdag 02 September 2016 08:30 - 10:00
Title: Competence Modelling for Export Performance Improvement in Ethiopia. PhD candidate: WT (Worku) Birru. Promoter: prof.dr. M (Martin) Mulder. Co-promoter: dr. PR (Piety) Runhaar & T (Thomas) Lans. Organisation: Wageningen University, Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS), Education and Competence Studies