Agenda 06 - 12 Augustus 2017
Zondag 06 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.

Kwaku Festival met o.a. Afrikaanse muziek
Uit Rotterdam komt de Kaapverdiaanse groep Tabanka. Deze jonge, frisse formatie liet zich inspireren door artiesten van een eerdere generatie, zoals Bulimundo en Américo Brito. Tabanka brengt een eigen, hedendaagse interpretatie van de funaná, een swingende en energieke muziekstijl van het Kaapverdiaanse eiland Santiago. Funaná is de muziek van de nazaten van slaven, die in de jaren tachtig gemixt werd met pop en jazz, en die na de onafhankelijkheid deel ging uitmaken van de Kaapverdiaanse identiteit. Basis voor de funaná is de diatonische accordeon (gaita) en de ferrinho, een metalen staaf met inkepingen waarop geraspt wordt. Verder onder meer Amartey (NL/Ghana)
Maandag 07 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.
Dinsdag 08 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.
Woensdag 09 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.
Donderdag 10 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.
Vrijdag 11 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.
Zaterdag 12 Augustus

African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2017 there are many productions from Africa at the festival.