Agenda 23 - 29 Juni 2019
Maandag 24 Juni

PhD: Safe Motherhood: severe maternal morbidity and mortality in Eastern Ethiopia
Maandag 24 Juni 2019 14:30
PhD candidate: A.K. (Abera) Tura. Supervisors: S.A. Scherjon, prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg, J.J.M. van Roosmalen. Co-supervisor: T.H. van den Akker. Faculty: Medical Sciences / UMCG

PhD: Safe motherhood: maternity waiting homes in Ethiopia to improve women’s access to maternity care
Maandag 24 Juni 2019 16:15
PhD candidate: drs. C.J. Vermeiden. Supervisor: prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg. Co-supervisor: T.H. van den Akker. Faculty: Medical Sciences / UMCG
Dinsdag 25 Juni

PhD: Improving access to quality maternal and newborn care in low-resource settings: the case of Tanzania
Dinsdag 25 Juni 2019 11:00
PhD candidate: D.R. Bishanga. Supervisor: prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg. Co-supervisors: Y.M. Kim, M. Rijken. Faculty: Medical Sciences / UMCG
Woensdag 26 Juni
Promotie A.M. Onencan: Kenia
Woensdag 26 Juni 2019 12:30
Institutional Change through Social Learning: Climate Change Policy Gaming in Kenya. Promotor: Prof.dr. B.A. van de Walle (TBM). Locatie: Science Centre, TU Delft