Agenda 10 - 16 Maart 2019
Zondag 10 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Maandag 11 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Dinsdag 12 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Woensdag 13 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Donderdag 14 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Vrijdag 15 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).
Zaterdag 16 Maart

2019 Zabalaza Theatre Festival
The Baxter’s annual Zabalaza Theatre Festival returns for its ninth edition, from 8 to 16 March, with a fresh and creative line-up, showcasing some of the finest theatre and emerging artists from all over the Western Cape. This year, the Baxter will buzz with ground-breaking works by new theatre-makers as nearly 40 theatre productions and events, featuring well over 100 artists and performers, make up the programme, which is filled with innovation, relevance and originality. The dynamic team that make up the festival comprises the award-winning actor and director Mdu Kweyama as curator, along with artistic director Bongile Mantsai, coordinator Zoleka Helesi, administrator Jestine Sias and Monde Myataza (marketing and sales).

NVAS Afrikadag: 'Le corps ne ment pas'. Hedendaagse podiumkunsten in West-Afrika
Zaterdag 16 Maart 2019 13:30 - 22:00
Het Afrikaanse continent barst van de creativiteit. Daarom staat dit jaar de Afrikadag van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Afrika Studies (NVAS) in het teken van hedendaagse podiumkunsten in West-Afrika. Er zullen presentaties en korte performances gegeven worden op het gebied van Afrikaanse dans, toneel en muziek in het Parnassos Cultuurcentrum in Utrecht. Aan het eind van de middag is er voldoende tijd om na te genieten met een borrel en een Ethiopisch buffet. Voor de echte liefhebbers is er hierna de mogelijkheid om met korting de dansvoorstelling ‘Du desir d'horizons’ uit Burkina Faso te bewonderen in de Stadsschouwburg Utrecht (enkele minuten lopen vanaf Parnassos Cultuurcentrum). Onder leiding van beroemd choreograaf Salia Sanou laten acht dansers universele thema’s zien die bij iedereen herkenbaar zullen zijn. U kunt zich aanmelden (voor de middag of de middag plus avond) via de NVAS-website. Doe dit uiterlijk voor 14 februari. Parnassos Cultuurcentrum, Kruisstraat 201, Utrecht + Stadsschouwburg, Lucasbolwerk 24, Utrecht