Agenda 26 Januari - 01 Februari 2020
Woensdag 29 Januari

Conference: Pushing Boundaries in Advocacy for Inclusion
Woensdag 29 Januari 2020 09:30 - 18:00
What is the best way to strengthen political participation of people facing marginalisation and discrimination in the global South? How can unheard voices be amplified and connected in efforts to leave no one behind? What evidence exists about effective advocacy methods and collaborations? These and other questions are central in the upcoming conference ‘Pushing Boundaries in Advocacy for Inclusion’ - hosted by the Liliane Foundation, the Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development, and the African Studies Center Leiden. This conference provides an opportunity for professionals, activists, policy makers, media and academics to share their knowledge, experiences and emerging insights on advocacy for inclusion by and with a wide range of rightsholders groups. Key themes include the success factors of advocacy, the importance of intersectionality and the roles of Northern and Southern organisations in advocacy networks. Moderator on this day will be Clarice M.D. Gargard (The Correspondent, NRC). This conference is part of the project 'Breaking Down Barriers'. Speakers: Prof. Duncan Green (keynote speaker, Oxfam GB) & Prof. Ton Dietz (opening speech, African Studies Centre Leiden). Register for this conference here.