Agenda 30 Augustus - 05 September 2020
Woensdag 02 September

Online Promotie dhr. Kwaku Oduro-appiah over Ghana
Woensdag 02 September 2020 10:00
Titel proefschrift: "Evidence-based pathway for solid waste modernisation and sustainability in Ghana". Promotor: prof. dr. N.K. de Vries. Co-promotor: dr. A. Scheinberg (Springloop Cooperatie U.A. Zwolle)

PhD on Doing Gender in Uganda
Woensdag 02 September 2020 13:30 - 15:00
Title: "Doing Gender". Impacts of local meaning making on gender mainstreaming in agricultural and climate change policy in Uganda. PhD candidate: M (Mariola) Acosta Frances MSc. Promotor: prof.dr. PH (Peter) Feindt. Co-promotor: Severine S (Severine) van Bommel, dr. MGJ (Margit) van Wessel. Organisation: Wageningen University, Strategic Communication
Donderdag 03 September

Promotie: Is de ontdekking van olie in Oeganda een kans of een vloek
Donderdag 03 September 2020 09:00
Titel: Is de ontdekking van olie in Oeganda een kans of een vloek? Is oil discovery in Uganda an opportunity or a looming curse?. PhD ceremony: Mr T. Ogwang. Supervisors: prof. dr. F.M.D. (Frank) Vanclay, dr. A. (Arjan) van den Assem. Faculty: Spatial Sciences

Alexander von Humboldt lecture: Theory of Recognition and its relevance for Geography
Donderdag 03 September 2020 15:30 - 16:45
Titel: Theory of Recognition and its relevance for Geography: Empirical evidence from urban Latin America and rural Sub-Sahara Africa. Spreker: Prof. Eberhard Rothfuß, University Bayreuth, Germany. Organisator(s): Department of Human Geography. Locatie: Zoom