Agenda 04 - 10 Juli 2021
Maandag 05 Juli

'Africa in the World' Seminar Series: Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections: COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy
The AEGIS Collaborative Research Group 'Africa in the World' is happy to invite you to the second part of its Seminar Series 'Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections': COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy. During three sessions divided over the first week of July 2021, we will reflect on trust, distrust and trust making in COVID-19 politics and diplomacy in and towards Africa. It is clear that the current pandemic and the policies designed to counter it, have seen strong expressions of distrust globally. Citizens have questioned the need for strong measures, such as partial and complete lockdowns in their countries, as well as the trustworthiness of vaccines, and the knowledge and actors behind these. Africa is not an exception in this respect. These expressions surfacing so strongly in the current atmosphere of (global) crisis do not stand on their own but point to deeper tendencies of mistrust against governments and other actors of authority, as well as the densification of parallel truths, stimulated by social media and populist politics. The seminar series will be online and take place via Zoom:
Dinsdag 06 Juli

'Africa in the World' Seminar Series: Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections: COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy
The AEGIS Collaborative Research Group 'Africa in the World' is happy to invite you to the second part of its Seminar Series 'Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections': COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy. During three sessions divided over the first week of July 2021, we will reflect on trust, distrust and trust making in COVID-19 politics and diplomacy in and towards Africa. It is clear that the current pandemic and the policies designed to counter it, have seen strong expressions of distrust globally. Citizens have questioned the need for strong measures, such as partial and complete lockdowns in their countries, as well as the trustworthiness of vaccines, and the knowledge and actors behind these. Africa is not an exception in this respect. These expressions surfacing so strongly in the current atmosphere of (global) crisis do not stand on their own but point to deeper tendencies of mistrust against governments and other actors of authority, as well as the densification of parallel truths, stimulated by social media and populist politics. The seminar series will be online and take place via Zoom:
Woensdag 07 Juli

'Africa in the World' Seminar Series: Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections: COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy
The AEGIS Collaborative Research Group 'Africa in the World' is happy to invite you to the second part of its Seminar Series 'Trust and Trust Making in Africa's Global Connections': COVID-19 Politics and Diplomacy. During three sessions divided over the first week of July 2021, we will reflect on trust, distrust and trust making in COVID-19 politics and diplomacy in and towards Africa. It is clear that the current pandemic and the policies designed to counter it, have seen strong expressions of distrust globally. Citizens have questioned the need for strong measures, such as partial and complete lockdowns in their countries, as well as the trustworthiness of vaccines, and the knowledge and actors behind these. Africa is not an exception in this respect. These expressions surfacing so strongly in the current atmosphere of (global) crisis do not stand on their own but point to deeper tendencies of mistrust against governments and other actors of authority, as well as the densification of parallel truths, stimulated by social media and populist politics. The seminar series will be online and take place via Zoom:
Vrijdag 09 Juli

Promotie: Statelessness and Right to Nationality: Developing a Statelessness Determination Procedure in Nigeria
Vrijdag 09 Juli 2021 10:15 - 11:15
Solomon Momoh verdedigt op 9 juli 2021 zijn proefschrift over staatloosheid en het recht op nationaliteit in Nigeria, online, aan de Universiteit Utrecht. De volledige titel van zijn proefschrift luidt: Statelessness and Right to Nationality: Developing a Statelessness Determination Procedure in Nigeria. Dit onderzoek dat zich richt op staatloosheid en het recht op nationaliteit in Nigeria is een beschrijvend en evaluerend onderzoek. Het onderzocht het fenomeen en de aard van het risico op staatloosheid, nationaliteitsproblemen in Nigeria en stelde concrete oplossingen voor. De specifieke doelstelling is bij te dragen aan de bevordering van het onderzoek naar het recht op nationaliteit en de bescherming van staatlozen, de noodzaak tot bescherming, identificatie en preventie van staatloosheid over de hele wereld en Nigeria in het bijzonder. Om de onderzoeksvraag van dit onderzoek aan te pakken, namelijk: wat zijn de hiaten in de wet en het beleid in Nigeria met betrekking tot staatloosheid en het recht op nationaliteit, en hoe kunnen deze worden verbeterd met behulp van goede praktijkvoorbeelden uit andere rechtsgebieden? Het onderzocht enkele specifieke lacunes in de nationaliteitswetgeving in Nigeria, waardoor velen blootstaan aan het risico van staatloosheid, lacunes zoals gebrek aan duidelijkheid over hoe de nationaliteit te verkrijgen, vereiste van etnische aansluiting voor het verkrijgen van nationaliteit, discriminatie op grond van geslacht en gebrek aan voorzieningen om toegang te garanderen tot nationaliteit voor vondelingen en kinderen die in Nigeria zijn geboren uit buitenlandse ouders. Promotor(es): prof. dr. C.M.J. Ryngaert & Dr. H. Van Eijken