Woensdag 07 Juni 2023

PhD defence: Disentangling the experiential learning process of Ugandan coffee farmers: The role of innovation platform governance mechanisms, farmer role identities, and farm family resources
Woensdag 07 Juni 2023 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: R (Robert) Ochago. Promotor: prof.dr. JH (Jacques) Trienekens. Co-promotor: dr. M (Maral) Mahdad, External copromotor: Prof. Dr Domenico Denton. Organisation: Wageningen University, Business Management & Organisation.Robert Ochago’s Ph.D. thesis aims to 1) explain coffee farmers' experiential learning process and 2) determine the effect of innovation platform governance mechanisms, farmer role identities, and farm family resources on their experiential learning process, using Ugandan coffee innovation platforms as the empirical context. He found the following using a mixed-methods sequential-embedded approach: farmers' experiential learning follows two paths. First, when faced with a challenge/problem, farmers reflected on it in order to gain problem-solving knowledge. Farmers dealt with their problems by experimenting with the problem-solving knowledge they had gained.