Maandag 11 September 2023

Nederland, Nijmegen - Aula Radboud Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Intergenerational and epigenetic effects of trauma and PTSD following exposure to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda
Maandag 11 September 2023 10:30
Promotie: Intergenerational and epigenetic effects of trauma and PTSD following exposure to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda
Maandag 11 September 2023 10:30
Promovendus: C. Musanabaganwa MSc. Promotor(s): prof. dr. B. Roozendaal, prof. dr. E.J. Hermans. Copromotor(s): dr. M. Leon (University of Rwanda RW), dr. S.C.J. Jansen (University of Rwanda RW)