Agenda 17 - 23 November 2024
Maandag 18 November

An institutional perspective of fostering women entrepreneurship in developing countries: the case of women entrepreneurs producing traditional fermented foods in Zambia
Maandag 18 November 2024 10:30 - 12:00
This thesis examines how institutional factors affect women entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector, especially in developing countries with uncertain and challenging institutional environments. It explores how formal and informal rules can either support or hinder the progress of women’s businesses. The study has three main aims: (1) to identify the institutional challenges that women face and understand how they navigate these obstacles; (2) to explore the resources women use to scale their businesses despite these challenges; and (3) to assess the role of agency in enhancing women’s entrepreneurial success. Through these insights, the thesis highlights how women adapt and grow their businesses within complex institutional frameworks.
Woensdag 20 November

Terroir of Munkoyo - The role of soil and root microbiomes in a traditional cereal-based fermented beverage
Woensdag 20 November 2024 10:30 - 12:00
This PhD research explores Munkoyo, a traditional non-alcoholic fermented drink from Zambia. Munkoyo is made using wild plant roots and cooked grains, but the specific plants and their role in fermentation were not well understood. It identified three important plant species and studied the microbes in their roots that help with fermentation.
Donderdag 21 November

Book launch: Religious Sensibilities in Pursuit of Sexual Well-Being African
Donderdag 21 November 2024 15:15 - 18:00
The Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society invite you to the book launch event of Religious Sensibilities in Pursuit of Sexual Well-Being: African Diasporic Communities in the Netherlands by Dr. Amisah Zenabu Bakuri. This event will explore how religious beliefs and cultural practices influence sexual health, wellbeing, and gender roles among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch communities in the Netherlands.
Vrijdag 22 November

Promotie: Sociaal ondernemerschap in de cacao industrie in West-Afrika
Vrijdag 22 November 2024 12:15 - 13:15
Op vrijdag 22 november om 12.15 uur verdedigt Milande Busquet haar proefschrift Social Entrepreneurship in the cocoa industry in West-Africa. A human-centered perspective on labor issues. In haar proefschrift onderzoekt Milande Busquet de rol van sociaal ondernemerschap bij het creëren van sociale waarde in internationale waardeketens. Haar onderzoek richt zich specifiek op het aanpakken van arbeidsvraagstukken in de cacaowaardeketen in West-Afrika en de invloed van lokale gemeenschappen op het creëren van (sociale) waarde. Door middel van kwalitatieve casestudies en veldwerk in Ivoorkust en Ghana belicht ze de complexiteit rond arbeidsvraagstukken en biedt ze een lokaal perspectief op vraagstukken van kinderarbeid en (sociale) interventies in internationale waardeketens.