Donderdag 24 November 2011

Promotie C.A. Aigbadumah: Jesus the Healer - over de Mountain of Fire and Miracles Church in Nigeria
Donderdag 24 November 2011 13:45
In het onderzoek van Christopher Aigbadumah staat de vraag centraal wat een kritische analyse van de christologie (het onderdeel van de christelijke theologie dat bestudeert en definieert wie Jezus Christus was en is) van de Mountain of Fire and Miracles Church (MFM) in Nigeria kan bijdragen aan de christologische bezinning binnen de zendingskerken.

The Meta-narratives of South African history
Donderdag 24 November 2011 15:30
In this seminar, Prof. Robert Ross, Institute for History, Leiden University, will reflect on his experience of editing the Cambridge History of South Africa, the second and final volume of which was published recently. He will discuss the various ways in which historians of South Africa have chosen the plot-lines they have used and thus organized their material. All are essentially politically driven, since in South Africa, history and other social sciences are the continuation of politics by other means.

Wageningen Geography Lecture: The Neoliberalisation of Nature in Africa
Donderdag 24 November 2011 17:30
The purpose of this presentation by Bram Büscher (Erasmus University) is to provide an overview of some of the contemporary ways in which Africa’s nature is being neoliberalised and to provide an indication of how this neoliberalisation is negotiated by African actors. The speaker has done extensive ethnographic fieldwork in between 2005 and 2008, namely the Maloti-Drakensberg area between Lesotho and South Africa.