Woensdag 30 November 2011

Promotie: Zwangerschapskwesties Kameroenese vrouwen complexer dan gedacht
Woensdag 30 November 2011 10:00
De titel van het proefschrift is Ambiguous Ambitions: On pathways, projects, and pregnancy interruptions in Cameroon. Promovenda Erica van der Sijpt deed onderzoek naar de manier waarop vrouwen in Oost-Kameroen omgaan met zwangerschapsverlies. Promotor: mw. prof. dr. A.P. Hardon en dhr. prof. dr. P.L. Geschiere.

Lecture by The President of Mali
Woensdag 30 November 2011 16:00
Lecture by His Excellency Amadou Toumani Touré, The President of Mali: Reflections on the democratization processes in Mali and in Africa after the national conferences of the 1990s and the question of peace and security in the Sahelo-Saharian region. The lecture will be in French, simultaneous translation to English will be provided.
An official invitation will follow which will include an online registration form.