Donderdag 12 Mei 2011

Nederland, Leiden - Universiteit Leiden - Lezing en debat
promotie: Nubis of Kibera. A social history of the Nubians and Kibera slums
Donderdag 12 Mei 2011 16:15
promotie: Nubis of Kibera. A social history of the Nubians and Kibera slums
Donderdag 12 Mei 2011 16:15
J.V.A. de Smedt verdedigt om 16.15uur zijn proefschrift: The Nubis of Kibera. A social history of the Nubians and Kibera slums. Promotor: Prof.dr. R.J. Ross

Nederland, The Hague - International Institute of Social Studies: Erasmus - Lezing en debat
The Quest for Alternatives: the attempt to craft authentic development programmes for Africa
The Quest for Alternatives: the attempt to craft authentic development programmes for Africa
ISS Seminar, Eyob Balcha Gebremariam, ASC Leiden. There have been practical engagements from the African Political Economic elite in pursuing a homegrown ‘development’ programs and encountering the prescription that has been forwarded from the ‘West’ or from WB and IMF more specifically.