Donderdag 19 Mei 2011

promotie: Ekaete Udong: Vishandelaarsters in de Niger delta in Nigeria: kostwinners en moeders
Donderdag 19 Mei 2011 11:00
Title dissertation: The Quest for Sustainable Livelihoods: Women Fish Traders in Ibaka, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Over 80% of the Nigerian fish is from the artisanal, small scale sector. Men fish & women are the processors & traders

Presentatie 'Stamverwantschap onder druk' door Gerrit Schutte
Donderdag 19 Mei 2011 16:00 - 18:00
Het 1e exemplaar van Stamverwantschap onder druk; De betrekkingen tussen Nederland & Zuid-Afrika, 1940-1947 wordt overhandigd aan Mw. Dr. Marietje van Winter, emeritus hoogleraar Middeleeuwse Gesch. Univ. Utrecht. Aanmelden: 020-6249318 of

Futures of Technology in Africa
ASC Seminar, dr Jasper Grosskurth, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek. Sub-Saharan Africa is undergoing a period of rapid technological change. The mobile phone is the first infrastructure that has affordably and reliably reached all corners of the continent, and data and money transfer networks are piggy-backing on this development. But fundamental changes are also taking place in other technology-intensive sectors.