Maandag 30 Januari 2012

Promotie: Interactions between aid and institutions in Huíla province, Angola
Maandag 30 Januari 2012 13:30
Volledige titel proefschrift van M. (Maliana) Marcelino Serrano: Strengthening institutions or institutionalising weaknesses? Interactions between aid and institutions in Huíla province, Angola. Promotor: prof. dr ir D.J.M. Hilhorst. This thesis discusses the changing relationship over time between humanitarian aid and local institutions and its outcomes for local capacities. It is based on fieldwork undertaken in Huíla Province in 2007/08,
mostly in Matala and Chipindo municipalities, which have distinct experiences of aid and conflict.

Seminar: Made in Madagascar, Speculating in and about Natural Wonders on "The Real Treasure Island"
Maandag 30 Januari 2012 15:30
By dr. Andrew Walsh. His current research focuses on the parallel rise and divergent fates of northern Madagascar's sapphire and ecotourist trades. More specifically, he has been studying how the lives of the Malagasy people involved in these trades are shaped not only by the particular sorts of work required of them, but by the peculiar demands of the foreign consumers served by their work.