Dinsdag 18 September 2012

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotion: Physiological and Behavioural Plasticity of Afr
Dinsdag 18 September 2012 13:30 - 15:00
Promotion: Physiological and Behavioural Plasticity of Afr
Dinsdag 18 September 2012 13:30 - 15:00
Thesis by A.K. (Anil) Shrestha. Full title: Living on the Edge: Physiological and Behavioural Plasticity of African Antelopes along a Climate Gradient. Promotor: prof.dr. H.H.T. Prins; Promotor: prof.dr. S. de Bie; Co-Promotor: dr. S.E. van Wieren.