Donderdag 27 September 2012

Conference: Power of Spontaneity
Donderdag 27 September 2012 09:30 - 17:00
Our cities are planned to detail. Urban plans foresee an end product, a final stage. The reality is different, causing friction. Everything changes over time, so do the demands on the built environment. We need to address this and incorporate flexibility to allow for spontaneous developments. Aerosol art works are often the first signs of this friction in our city scapes. Can aerosol art be instrumental? Does its bottom up origin legitimate it being a useful indicator? Etc.

ASC Seminar - The Impact of Tax Havens on Development
Donderdag 27 September 2012 15:30
Prof Ronen Palan, City University, London. Most developing countries do not possess sophisticated tax systems. Typically, they are often characterized by large under-taxed informal economies, and in some of the worst cases, economies that not taxed at all. Yet, if tax havens have played a significant role in shaping the economies of developed countries, arguably, they play an even greater role in shaping the lives of those who live in developing countries. In the framework of the ASC collaborative research project Rethinking Africa's global connections. Please register, see site.

Creating the Connection - stichting Yente 10 jaar
Donderdag 27 September 2012 16:00
Kleurrijk event met programma over alles waar Yente voor staat: het verbinden en versterken van vrouwelijke ondernemers wereldwijd. Natuurlijk blikken we ook terug op tien jaar Yente. Maar we kijken vooral vooruit naar onze verder groeiende samenwerking met vrouwelijke ondernemers in Kenia, Peru, Bolivia en Zuid-Afrika, met de Yente Women's Business Centers als hoopgevende rode draad. Met zangers en dansers uit Kenia.