Woensdag 23 Oktober 2013

Nederland, Nijmegen - Aula Radboud Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Familiy planning fertility reduction and economic development in Africa
Woensdag 23 Oktober 2013 14:30

Titel: Familiy planning fertility reduction and economic development in Africa. Promovendus: mevrouw A.L.P. Longwe-Ngwira. Promotor: prof. dr. E. de Jong; Copromotor: dr. J.P.J.M. Smits


Nederland, Tilburg - Auditorium Universiteit Tilburg - Lezing en debat
Dwelling in Tourism: Power and Myth among Bushmen in Southern Africa - PhD defense Stasja Koot
Woensdag 23 Oktober 2013 16:15

Stasja Koot will defend this PhD thesis at the Tilburg University. His promotor is Prof. Wouter van Beek (ASC Leiden). Everyone is welcome. Registration is not necessary.
