Agenda 20 - 26 Oktober 2013

Woensdag 23 Oktober

Nederland, Nijmegen - Aula Radboud Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Familiy planning fertility reduction and economic development in Africa
Woensdag 23 Oktober 2013 14:30

Titel: Familiy planning fertility reduction and economic development in Africa. Promovendus: mevrouw A.L.P. Longwe-Ngwira. Promotor: prof. dr. E. de Jong; Copromotor: dr. J.P.J.M. Smits


Nederland, Tilburg - Auditorium Universiteit Tilburg - Lezing en debat
Dwelling in Tourism: Power and Myth among Bushmen in Southern Africa - PhD defense Stasja Koot
Woensdag 23 Oktober 2013 16:15

Stasja Koot will defend this PhD thesis at the Tilburg University. His promotor is Prof. Wouter van Beek (ASC Leiden). Everyone is welcome. Registration is not necessary.


Donderdag 24 Oktober

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar: Kalahari Capers: Researching the Bushmen
Donderdag 24 Oktober 2013 15:30

Prof. Keyan G. Tomaselli, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban. The 20 year Rethinking Indigeneity project that has been conducted by the Centre for Communication, Media and Society amongst indigenous populations. notably the Zulu and the Kalahari San, will be discussed in terms of research phases, researcher obligations, logistical challenges, and subject/host and reviewer expectations, and Same-Other relations. How might researchers in the South conduct their work? Please register.
