Donderdag 28 Maart 2013

promotie Ongaye Oda Orkaydo: A grammar of Konso
Donderdag 28 Maart 2013 13:45
His thesis presents a description of Konso, a Cushitic language spoken by about 250,000 speakers in South-West Ethiopia. It presents analyses of the phonology, morphology and syntax of the language. Aspects of pragmatics including greetings and leave-taking expressions, interjections and ideophones as well as the link between naming of week days and how these relate to the distribution of big markets in the Konso area are discussed.

ASC Seminar: The Bungha Building as a Site for the Contestation of History
Donderdag 28 Maart 2013 15:30 - 17:00
During the setting up of apartheid South Africa’s native reserves, or homelands, large-scale subsidies allowed the formation of ten separate states, with concomitant government offices, schools, hospitals, housing for relocation after forced removals, factory parks, hotels and sports centres. When apartheid ended, some of these buildings were incorporated into the functioning of the new South African provinces, whilst others were allowed to fall into ruin. Brenton Maart’s current research is investigating these architectural structures in a bid to read, within their histories, the signs of inadvertent monumentalization. Please register