Dinsdag 05 Maart 2013

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Room 3A06, Pieter de la Court Building - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar about the Sawaba movement and its rebellion in Niger
Dinsdag 05 Maart 2013 15:30
ASC Seminar about the Sawaba movement and its rebellion in Niger
Dinsdag 05 Maart 2013 15:30
In this seminar Klaas van Walraven (African Studies Centre, Leiden) will present some of the highlights of his recent book, The Yearning for Relief: A History of the Sawaba Movement in Niger. Representing a genuine social movement, Sawaba formed Niger's first autonomous government under French suzerainty. Overthrown by the Gaullists and persecuted, it attempted a comeback with a guerrilla campaign (1960-1966), which ended in failure and led to the movement's destruction.