Donderdag 18 April 2013

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar: The War Ate the Rains
Donderdag 18 April 2013 15:30 - 17:00
ASC Seminar: The War Ate the Rains
Donderdag 18 April 2013 15:30 - 17:00
Seminar: "The War Ate the Rains: Transnational Civil War and Environmental Destruction in Southern Africa, 1960s-1990s". The 1960s-1990s Southern African ‘Thirty Years War’ was not only a Cold War proxy and a war of liberation and decolonization (against Portuguese metropolitan and local South African, Rhodesian and South West African minority white-settler colonialisms) but was also a civil war. Speaker: Emmanuel Kreike, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) and Princeton University. Please register