Donderdag 25 April 2013

promotie over "Beninese ananas"
Donderdag 25 April 2013 11:00
promovendus + titel proefschrift: Djalalou Arinloye - Governance, marketing, and innovations in Beninese pineapple supply chains. A survey of smallholder farmers in South Benin; Promotor: prof.dr. SWF (Onno) Omta

ASC Seminar: Film culture and Rwanda: A historical-anthropological view
Donderdag 25 April 2013 15:30 - 17:00
This seminar discusses the political and cultural history of cinema in Rwanda from colonial times until the present, focusing on how images produced in Rwanda have impacted on the identity and perception of the Rwandese. The importance of producing their own images became evident after the genocide of 1994 when cinema became a political instrument for those directly and indirectly involved in events. The speaker will also show some film clips. Speaker: Guido Convents. Please register