Maandag 09 Mei 2016

Nederland, Amsterdam - Koninkljk Instituut voor de Tropen - Lezing en debat
Seminar: The Politics of Valorization of Scientific Work in Social and Development-Oriented Fields
Maandag 09 Mei 2016 09:30 - 16:30

As social scientists – and especially those active in the field of international development – we are increasingly experiencing pressure to work together closely with societal partners, including private sector organizations. While most social scientists would like to conduct research that has societal relevance and impact, they also realize that the pressure results in several dilemmas: how to balance the pressure to  promote open access of data and publications with pressure from some of the partners not to, how to balance academic freedom with the pressure from some partners to refrain from asking critical questions… This seminar addresses these dilemmas, as well as the issue of social impact assessment of research: how and for whom? Please register
