Dinsdag 16 Oktober 2018

Nederland, Amsterdam - Aula Vrije Universiteit - Lezing en debat
promotie: Saharan dust deposition in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean and its impact on particle export fluxes
Dinsdag 16 Oktober 2018 11:45
promotie: Saharan dust deposition in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean and its impact on particle export fluxes
Dinsdag 16 Oktober 2018 11:45
Titel proefschrift: Saharan dust deposition in the equatorial North Atlantic Ocean and its impact on particle export fluxes. Promovendus: L.F. Korte. Promotor: prof.dr. G.J.A. Brummer, copromotor dr. J.B. Stuut. Onderdeel: Faculteit der Bètawetenschappen