Maandag 29 Oktober 2018

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
PhD: Governance of Small-scale Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana
Maandag 29 Oktober 2018 13:30 - 15:00
PhD: Governance of Small-scale Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana
Maandag 29 Oktober 2018 13:30 - 15:00
Title: Governance of Small-scale Irrigation Schemes in Northern Ghana. The Role of User Groups. PhD candidate: MA (Margaret) Akuriba. Promotor: EH (Erwin) Bulte. Co-promotor: dr. R (Rein) Haagsma & dr. NBM (Nico) Heerink & Co-promotor: prof. S Dittoh. Organisation: Wageningen University, Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS), Development Economics