Maandag 03 December 2018

The reform challenges of the Kimberley Process (conflict diamonds). A lecture by Philippe Beke
Maandag 03 December 2018 20:00 - 21:30
In cooperation with Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. 85% of diamond rock is industrially mined with very limited risk on abuse. The other 15% however has major risks on unclear business. These diamonds are almost entirely located in Western and Central Africa. There, 10 million people directly and indirectly live from alluvial and artisanal diamond mining. Measures against this illegal mining have been taken on several levels, including the European, by most notably the Kimberley Process, uniting different groups in decreasing the flow of so-called conflict diamonds. Philippe Beke, senior policy advisor for the Kimberley Process at the European Commission lays out some of the challenges the process has faced. The Kimberley Process unites administrations, civil societies, and industry in reducing the flow of conflict diamonds - rough diamonds used to finance wars against governments around the world. Speakers: Philippe Beke is Senior Policy Advisor for the Kimberley Process at the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. Philip Schleifer (discussant) is Assistant Professor in Transnational Governance at the Political Science Department of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Please register.