Woensdag 20 Maart 2019

Explore Festival : Somewhere at the Beginning - Germaine Acogny (SE)
In this piece we explore through dance, traces of the history of Germaine Acogny and Africa through the prism of tragedy. It is a dialogue with issues of archaic background, a vessel full of associations loaded with content of our time. Taking this matter as a projection surface, enables us with this work to enter differently into the questionings and sufferings of our time. It was a great challenge to be able to offer on stage a strong and uncompromising dialogue between contemporary Africa and the ancient tragic world. In Groningen, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Breda, Utrecht, Heerlen en Rotterdam

Explore Festival : Via Kanana [South Africa]
These are dark times in South Africa. The victory over apartheid has not brought the expected peace. The country is plagued by crime and riots. The gap between rich and poor is huge and unfortunately is often similar to that between black and white. The promised land has, in other words, not been reached. A promised land that you are led to believe in, often by corrupt rulers, but one that never materialises: The South African Sotho-word ‘Kanana’ refers to this. The word is astonishingly similar to Canaan, the biblical land of milk and honey that was promised to Moses. In Via Kanana Gregory Maqoma and Via Katlehong explore routes to that promised land, which may never be reached but should not lead to despair. In Heerlen, Breda, Groningen en Den Haag