Woensdag 11 September 2019

Nederland, Leiden - Academiegebouw Universiteit Leiden - Lezing en debat
Promotie: Politics and the Longue Durée of African Oil Communities: Rentierism, Hybrid Governance, and Anomie in Gamba (Gabon), c. 1950s - 2015 (and Beyond)
Woensdag 11 September 2019 15:00 - 15:45
Promotie: Politics and the Longue Durée of African Oil Communities: Rentierism, Hybrid Governance, and Anomie in Gamba (Gabon), c. 1950s - 2015 (and Beyond)
Woensdag 11 September 2019 15:00 - 15:45
Promovendus: Joseph Mangarella. Promotor: Prof.dr. J Abbink