Donderdag 20 Februari 2020

Africa 2020 workshop: The Nile: Inclusion and Exclusion over a Trans-boundary Resource (water and land acquisition)
Although the Nile is an indispensable resource for the people, its governance has not been designed and implemented conveniently on national and regional levels. Inside national territories, different challenges impede the livelihood of populations such as droughts, floods, deforestation, land degradation and water pollution. But on transnational level, the disagreement about the Nile waters allocation causes a lack of trust and confrontations mainly between the upstream and downstream countries. Land and water acquisition (grabbing) are contributing to these tensions. Therefore there is a need for equitable and sustainable water policies in the Nile. In this two-days workshop a ‘scenario development process’ will be used to explore future paths where the Nile waters could fulfill social consideration, development policies and environmental justice within the complexity of transboundary governance.This workshop is funded by LeidenASA and is part of Africa 2020. Organising committee: Abeer Abazeed, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University; Abby Onencan, TU Delft; Bert Enserink, TU Delft (facilitator); Lama El Hatow, Erasmus University Rotterdam