Agenda 22 - 28 Mei 2011
Maandag 23 Mei

S Mda promoveert op: Multi-micronutrient supplementation in HIV-infected South Afr'n children
Maandag 23 Mei 2011 16:00
S (Siyazi) Mda promoveert op: Multi-micronutrient supplementation in HIV-infected South African children. Effect on nutritional status, diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Promotor: F.J. Kok & Co-Promotor: dr. ir. J.M.A. van Raaij
Dinsdag 24 Mei

promotie W.Nkwi - Kfaang and its technologies: towards a social history of mobility in Kom, Cameroon
Dinsdag 24 Mei 2011 16:15
Walter Gam Nkwi graduated from the Univ. of Buea, Cameroon, where he obtained a Masters degree in Afr. History. He is currently a pre-doctoral Fellow at the ASC. Promotors: Prof. M.E. de Bruijn (Univ. of Leiden) & Prof. F.B. Nyamnjoh (Univ. of Cape Town)
Woensdag 25 Mei

Congo-debat met dokter Denis Mukwege
Denis Mukwege is hoofdarts van het Panzi-hospitaal in Bukavu, Oost Congo. Hij is de spreekbuis van duizenden verkrachte Congolese meisjes en vrouwen. Er is waarschijnlijk geen arts ter wereld die zoveel met seksueel geweld geconfronteerd wordt als dokter Denis Mukwege-Mukengere. Sinds 1999 opereert hij dagelijks vrouwen die ernstige letsels overhielden aan hun verkrachting.

Africa Day at ISS
Woensdag 25 Mei 2011 15:00 - 18:00
The African Committee together with the International Relations Committee shall be celebrating Africa Day. The theme for this year is: Accelerating Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development. To help us celebrate the day, three plenary sessions will be held with the following members of academia: dr. Kristen Cheney, dr. Helen Hintjens & dr. Bruce Mutsvairo.
Donderdag 26 Mei

ISS Research in Progress Seminar on HIV prevention in Maputo, Mozambique
Donderdag 26 Mei 2011 13:00 - 14:00
Do HIV prevention messages affect Antiretroviral treatment adherence? Some preliminary results of a case study in Maputo, Mozambique. By Deena Class (Univ. of Trento, Italy).