Agenda 12 - 18 Juni 2011
Donderdag 16 Juni

Trouble with Nigeria?
Bijeenkomst over de politieke acties van Fela Kuti en de politiek/sociale ontwikkelingen in Nigeria nu, in de context van de presentatie van de musical Fela! in het Holland Festival. Met o.a. Christopher Oliha, voorzitter Vereniging Nigeriaanse Gemeenschap in België, en Gerbert van der Aa, historicus en journalist, schrijver van Nigeriaanse toestanden. Aanmelden verplicht.

Day of the African child
Donderdag 16 Juni 2011 16:15 - 18:00
The African Committee of Scholas invites you to The Day of the African Child. Including a public lecture by South African Ambassador H E Mr P Goosen entitled: The new South Africa: Have Hopes and Aspirations Been Realised for the Youth? Please register at
Zaterdag 18 Juni

Debate African Cities: problem or solution? and visit of the Blueprints of Paradise exhibition
Zaterdag 18 Juni 2011 15:00
By African Architecture Matters. Introduction to the exhibition, including debate with some of the Blueprints participants, jury member Femke van Zeijl (freelance journalist and writer who focuses on Sub-Saharan Africa), ZAM Africa Magazine editor Bart Luirink and Antoni Folkers, architect and urban designer.