Agenda 09 - 15 December 2012
Zondag 09 December

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Mumbo Jumbo - paintings by Michael Taylor
Taylor has chosen to approach this exhibition as a playful exercise in describing the landscape of his personal ‘island’. Not only is this body of work a return to large-scale drawing for Taylor, but also, a return to using narrative as a starting point for the image-making process. Devising a story, in the form of a poem, and working with a select number of preconceived titles, Taylor attempts to create a familiar metaphor for which to make drawings. The narrative shifts simultaneously between two chief protagonists - the hero, Mickey, and his ego, the island. Diving between character sketches the pictures illustrate an uncanny likeness of the two subjects.

Out of Africa - The Magic of Kenya (tournee)
Out of Africa - Safari Through Magical Kenya is het vervolg op hitproducties als Sikulu, Stamping en African Mamas en neemt u mee op safari door het magische Kenia. Opzwepende dansen van Masai-krijgers, close harmony songs van de vrouwelijke dansers, een ballet van flamingo's, funky African jazzritmes en vrolijke bengamuziek uit de nachtclubs van Mombassa en Nairobi: het wordt allemaal gebracht met niet aflatende Afrikaanse energie en vitaliteit. Zowel het traditionele als het moderne Kenia krijgt in deze overdonderende show een plek.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

The International Exhibition of Black Music
An outstanding exploration of the sounds and rhythms of Africa and the Diaspora and a groundbreaking digital experience that pays homage to artists and music of Africa and the African diaspora, the first tribute to black artists of its kind. The exhibition uses state-of-the-art technology, with over 100 interactive audio-visual setups transmitting the sights, sounds and rhythms of artists from all over the world. The exhibition comprises of a mind-blowing 13 hours’ worth of footage.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Maandag 10 December

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Mumbo Jumbo - paintings by Michael Taylor
Taylor has chosen to approach this exhibition as a playful exercise in describing the landscape of his personal ‘island’. Not only is this body of work a return to large-scale drawing for Taylor, but also, a return to using narrative as a starting point for the image-making process. Devising a story, in the form of a poem, and working with a select number of preconceived titles, Taylor attempts to create a familiar metaphor for which to make drawings. The narrative shifts simultaneously between two chief protagonists - the hero, Mickey, and his ego, the island. Diving between character sketches the pictures illustrate an uncanny likeness of the two subjects.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

The International Exhibition of Black Music
An outstanding exploration of the sounds and rhythms of Africa and the Diaspora and a groundbreaking digital experience that pays homage to artists and music of Africa and the African diaspora, the first tribute to black artists of its kind. The exhibition uses state-of-the-art technology, with over 100 interactive audio-visual setups transmitting the sights, sounds and rhythms of artists from all over the world. The exhibition comprises of a mind-blowing 13 hours’ worth of footage.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Dinsdag 11 December

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

Film: A Sunday In Kigali
Drama over de liefde tussen een Canadese documentairemaker en een serveerster, dat zich afspeelt tijdens de Rwandese genocide van 1994. Deze film van Robert Favreau is wel vergeleken met Hotel Rwanda en Shooting Dogs, twee andere films over de genocide in Rwanda. Na afloop van deze filmvoorstelling kan men genieten van een uitgebreide High Tea.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Mumbo Jumbo - paintings by Michael Taylor
Taylor has chosen to approach this exhibition as a playful exercise in describing the landscape of his personal ‘island’. Not only is this body of work a return to large-scale drawing for Taylor, but also, a return to using narrative as a starting point for the image-making process. Devising a story, in the form of a poem, and working with a select number of preconceived titles, Taylor attempts to create a familiar metaphor for which to make drawings. The narrative shifts simultaneously between two chief protagonists - the hero, Mickey, and his ego, the island. Diving between character sketches the pictures illustrate an uncanny likeness of the two subjects.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

The International Exhibition of Black Music
An outstanding exploration of the sounds and rhythms of Africa and the Diaspora and a groundbreaking digital experience that pays homage to artists and music of Africa and the African diaspora, the first tribute to black artists of its kind. The exhibition uses state-of-the-art technology, with over 100 interactive audio-visual setups transmitting the sights, sounds and rhythms of artists from all over the world. The exhibition comprises of a mind-blowing 13 hours’ worth of footage.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

Women in War Zones; Peace Lords for Change
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 13:25
Van Syrië tot Liberia en van Somalië tot Colombia treden vrouwen op als actieve strijders, bemiddelaars en katalysatoren voor verandering en vrede. Het Nationaal Actieplan 1325 organiseert hierover een inspirerende bijeenkomst. In een interactief programma vol boeiende lezingen en scherpe debatten beschouwen we de actieve rol van vrouwen bij het stichten van vrede en bij de weder- opbouw van hun land.

Promotie: L.O. (Leah) Ombis
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 13:30 - 15:00
Title thesis: Management of plastic waste in urban Kenya is enabled through the innovative activities in production and recycling of plastic waste. Promotor: APJ Mol. Copromotor: BJM van Vliet.

Promotie Dhr. R. Weigel: Responding to HIV in Malawi. Towards a continuum of care
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 16:00
Een vroeg en wijdverbreid gebruik van antiretrovirale behandelingen (ART) gaat het doorgeven van hiv in Malawi tegen blijkt uit het promotieonderzoek van Ralf Weigel. Promotor: dhr. prof. dr. B.J.M. Brabin.

Debat en expositie: The Visual Collider
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 20:00
Het project is een eendagstentoonstelling Nina Czegledy (Hongarije/ Canada) en Marcus Neustetter (Zuid Afrika). Het project maakt gebruik van een uitklapbaar boek met foto's die dienen als een discussion piece. De kunstenaars gaan tijdens de tentoonstelling de discussie aan met publiek over kunst, financiering en crisis.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Woensdag 12 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

Film: A Sunday In Kigali
Drama over de liefde tussen een Canadese documentairemaker en een serveerster, dat zich afspeelt tijdens de Rwandese genocide van 1994. Deze film van Robert Favreau is wel vergeleken met Hotel Rwanda en Shooting Dogs, twee andere films over de genocide in Rwanda. Na afloop van deze filmvoorstelling kan men genieten van een uitgebreide High Tea.

Graffiti kunstwerk Mwangi op Dam
De Keniaanse fotojournalist en 2012 Prins Claus Laureaat Boniface Mwangi gaat een graffiti kunstwerk op de Dam in Amsterdam maken. Mwangi brak door met indringende foto’s van het geweld na de verkiezingen in 2007. Door zijn foto’s te laten zien en de discussie aan te gaan creëert hij politiek bewustzijn en probeert hij geweld bij de aanstaande verkiezingen in Kenia te voorkomen.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Mumbo Jumbo - paintings by Michael Taylor
Taylor has chosen to approach this exhibition as a playful exercise in describing the landscape of his personal ‘island’. Not only is this body of work a return to large-scale drawing for Taylor, but also, a return to using narrative as a starting point for the image-making process. Devising a story, in the form of a poem, and working with a select number of preconceived titles, Taylor attempts to create a familiar metaphor for which to make drawings. The narrative shifts simultaneously between two chief protagonists - the hero, Mickey, and his ego, the island. Diving between character sketches the pictures illustrate an uncanny likeness of the two subjects.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

The International Exhibition of Black Music
An outstanding exploration of the sounds and rhythms of Africa and the Diaspora and a groundbreaking digital experience that pays homage to artists and music of Africa and the African diaspora, the first tribute to black artists of its kind. The exhibition uses state-of-the-art technology, with over 100 interactive audio-visual setups transmitting the sights, sounds and rhythms of artists from all over the world. The exhibition comprises of a mind-blowing 13 hours’ worth of footage.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

M.A.Chinbuah: Sterfte Afrikaans kind met koortsziekte neemt niet af door longonstekingsantibioticum
Woensdag 12 December 2012 10:00
Promotion. Full title thesis: Community based management of fever in children 2-59 months with antimalarials and antibiotics in rural Ghana. Promotores: dhr. prof. dr. P.A. Kager en dhr. prof. dr. J. Gyapong (Universiteit van Ghana, Accra).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Donderdag 13 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

Masterclass met Zhou Diarra (Salif Keita)
Donderdag 13 December 2012 11:00 - 13:00
Zeven gitaariconen, die in het kader van Amsterdam Electric zijn uitgenodigd, komen in de week van 7 t/m 15 december in de Amsterdam Blue Note masterclasses geven. Te gast zijn: Debashish (indian slide guitar), Uli Jon Roth (Scorpions), Adrian Belew (King Crimson, Zappa, Bowie), Andy Summers (The Police), Rich Robinson (Black Crowes), Zhou Diarra (Salif Keita), en Gilad Hexelmann (Chris Potter, John Scofield). toegang gratis

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Vrijdag 14 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Zaterdag 15 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.

Dubbelexpositie Afrikaanse kunst
Etiyé Dimma Poulsen: 'De schoonheid van kwetsbaarheid- 2'; Mulugeta Tafesse: 'Een permanent experiment- 2'. Op zondag 25 november om 16.00 uur wordt deze expositie in aanwezigheid van de kunstenaars geopend door Judith Sargentini, Europarlementariër voor Groen Links. Na exact zes jaar zijn beide kunstenaars opnieuw in Galerie 23. Etiyé Dimma Poulsen was succesvol in de USA en Mulugeta Tafesse promoveerde in Spanje.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Exhibition: Haitian Masters & Contemporary African artists
Season group exhibition: A selection of collectors paintings by Haitian artists Philippe Dodard, Franck Louissaint, Denis Smith, Louisiane Saint Fleurant, Edner Sufal and Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga) & selected works by contemporary African artists Franck Dikisongele, David Kigozi, George Lilanga, David Mzuguno and Mufuki. Opening drink: Friday 7th December 18:00 - 22:00h

Expo: Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake
“Lac de Sagesse – Wisdom Lake” is a work about memory, history and recognition. Meschac Gaba presents an installation of 12 aquariums, with a mirror base, in which 12 brains are placed, representing 12 great people who have made an impression on his life in a humanist, cultural, scientific, philosophical, social, religious and political way. Opening drinks: Saturday, 1st December 2012, 16:00 – 18:00.

In het land van de keizer - Op expeditie in Ethiopië (1930-1931)
Baron Binnert Van Harinxma thoe Slooten en bioloog Gerrit Brouwer kregen op 2 november 1930 de unieke kans om de kroning van keizer Haile Selassie in Ethiopië bij te wonen. Maak hun expeditie mee met de foto's, persoonlijke aantekeningen en filmbeelden. De reis naar Ethiopië had oorspronkelijk het doel om de dierenwereld te bestuderen, maar hoogtepunt van de reis werd uiteindelijk de kroning van Haile Selassie.

Laila Essaydi - Revisions
Lalla Essaydi's elegant, creative work belies it subversive, challenging nature. Approximately 30 works of diverse media are drawn from each of her photographic series, including the richly hued Silence of Thought and the more widely known Converging Territories and Les Femmes de Maroc. The exhibition also includes a selection of new works, as well as rarely exhibited paintings and installations.

MCA DNA: William Kentridge
Acclaimed for his work in animated film, visual art, theater, and opera, William Kentridge had his first survey exhibition in the United States in 2001 at MCA Chicago. From this exhibition, the MCA acquired more than a dozen drawings and two of his best-known films: Felix in Exile (1994) and History of the Main Complaint (1996), both of which will be on view. The drawings featured in the exhibition are those used to make this latter film—charcoal sketches that Kentridge erased and reworked to create the memorable segments that depict his alter egos and their struggles in late and post-apartheid Johannesburg: Felix Teitlebaum, the romantic artist who is always shown nude, and Soho Eckstein, the self-absorbed, wealthy mine owner and land developer who always wears a pinstriped suit.

Masks unveiled - tentoonstelling
Maskers in uiteenlopende vormen. In deze tijd waar we onszelf steeds meer blootgeven in sociale media is er tegelijkertijd de behoefte om onszelf weer te verhullen. Eeuwenoude maskers die figureren in foto's; schilderijen en glassculpturen, crossovers van culturen, nieuwe combinaties. Schilderijen van Pathy Tshindele Kapinga (Congo) en Eva Spierenburg (NL), foto's van Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou (Benin) en Uche Okpa-Iroha (Nigeria) en glassculpturen van Geir Nustad (Noorwegen/NL).

Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life
Photographic exhibition examining the legacy of the apartheid system and how it penetrated even the most mundane aspects of social existence in South Africa, from housing, public amenities, and transportation to education, tourism, religion, and businesses. Complex, vivid, evocative, and dramatic, it includes nearly 500 photographs, films, books, magazines, newspapers, and assorted archival documents and covers more than 60 years of powerful photographic and visual production that forms part of the historical record of South Africa.

Soweto Spiritual Singers
De Soweto Spiritual Singers zijn ook in Nederland allang geen onbekenden meer na twee eerdere succesvolle tournees. Met swingende, weldadige (Zuid-) Afrikaans gospels en harmonieën, maar ook met Amerikaanse spirituals werden vele harten veroverd. En vanaf medio december wordt er in het programma ruimte gemaakt voor herkenbare en oorspronkelijke Afrikaanse kerstmelodieën. Wie maalt er nog om een witte kerst met zo’n hartverwarmende African Christmas?

Tentoonstelling: Hollandaise
Hollandaise is a critical, contemporary art exhibition built around this typical textile. The idea for the exhibition is from curator Koyo Kouoh, who is director of her own art institution in Dakar, Senegal. She asked five artists to delve into the phenomenon of Hollandaise and the peculiar trading relations and cultural interchanges that it represents. They all produced new work especially for this exhibition, which after Amsterdam will travel on to Dakar.

Tentoonstelling: Maputopia
For the 125th anniversary of Maputo, African Architecture Matters and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, together with the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of the University Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, the Department of Architecture of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University have the honour to announce the international art & architecture exhibition MAPUTOPIA passado-presente-futuro.

Tentoonstelling: Onverwachte ontmoetingen
Het Tropenmuseum brengt een ode aan zijn eigen verzamelingen met de tentoonstelling Onverwachte ontmoetingen. Verborgen verhalen uit eigen collectie.
Een Afrikaans krachtbeeld ontmoet een Apple computer en een kunstwerk met portretten van Marlene Dumas een Duitse staalkaart met veertig verschillende oogkleuren.

The Beautiful Time: Photography by Sammy Baloji
Images by Congolese photographer and video artist Sammy Baloji feature the industrial landscapes around Lumbumbasi, the capital city of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The images serve as a visual indictment of the failed postcolonial leadership that mismanaged and squandered Katanga’s industrial resources, its modernity, and the economic prosperity of the region.

The Character - Candice Breitz
Through inventively re-edited interviews, fan performances and montaged cinema sequences, Breitz's works present a new take on contemporary portraiture by creating innovative narratives to probe and analyse individual experience. A major part of the exhibition will be the inclusion of The Woods, a new work making its international debut. Co-commissioned with the Peabody Essex Museum, Breitz's new trilogy focuses on child performers and the performance of childhood to probe aspirations and promises embedded in mainstream cinema.

Theater: In Die Nag
Geïnspireerd door onder andere Eugene O’Neills drama ‘Long day’s journey into night’ maakt Dood Paard een geheel nieuw stuk, dat gaat over afkeer en verbondenheid, over het geloof in bevrijding en over de gevangenis die werkelijkheid heet. Maar hoe diep de spiraal ook naar beneden draait – een elementaire levenskracht blijft tot op het allerlaatst bestaan. Wat er vandaag niet is, dat kan morgen toch nog komen… .

Time, Trade & Travel - Exhibition
Exhibition focuses on the complexities of global exchange fostered by capitalism, and its effects on life and art. Time, Trade & Travel set the participating artists on a quest for the historical encounters between Europeans and Africans, in which trade and the concomitant cultural exchange receive particular attention. In collaboration with the Nubuke Foundation in Accra, Ghana and featuring Dutch and Ghanese artists.

Zanele Muholi: Faces and Phases
The series Faces and Phases of acclaimed photographer Zanele Muholi was included in dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel and Oldenburg, Germany from June to September 2012 and co-produced by Stevenson Gallery and the Goethe-Institut. It will now return to South Africa for an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut.

Zombie Babylon - paintings by Conrad Botes
For this exhibition Botes continues his recent series of paintings on canvas while also showing his distinctive reverse-glass paintings, sculptures and drawings. The paintings on this show have evolved from the religious imagery he presented at his last exhibition at the gallery in Cape Town. Over the past few months he has also been fascinated by the optical effects of colour, and has created paintings that pulsate with a psychedelic intensity. The result is an unlikely and unexpected presentation of iconic images. Another series of paintings features horrifying imagery, yet rendered in beautiful and optical colours that simultaneously seduce and repulse, reminding us of how our perceptions are influenced by colour.

Back to the Future Festival
Zaterdag 15 December 2012 19:00 - 02:00
Headquarters Ent. & Afropurity are organising Back to the Future, a cultural festival with both education and entertainment. Young Africans in Holland are brought together through good information, knowlegde and entertainment. There are different cooperations and activities: Open Mic. Debate, Afro Stand-up Comedy show, Afro Fashion show, Afro Market, Poetry, Drinks & Food and a Live Performance (Black Omolo) & Afterparty (DJ Puffy).

Optreden: Tamikrest (Mali) - AFGELAST
Zaterdag 15 December 2012 20:00
TAMIKREST HEEFT DE TOURNEE AF MOETEN GELASTEN WEGENS VISUMPROBLEMEN - Met hun swingende 'woestijnmuziek' heeft de jonge Touaregband Tamikrest de laatste jaren flink aan de weg getimmerd. In hun muziek zijn verschillende invloeden duidelijk herkenbaar: stevige rock maar ook lyrische nummers op westerse elektrische gitaren, en daarnaast de typisch Noord-Afrikaanse herhalende patronen, de percussie (op kalebas) en het hoge, snerpende geluid van de achtergrondzangeressen.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 November 2012 22:00
t/m Woensdag 26 December 2012
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.