Agenda 09 - 15 December 2012
Dinsdag 11 December

Women in War Zones; Peace Lords for Change
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 13:25
Van Syrië tot Liberia en van Somalië tot Colombia treden vrouwen op als actieve strijders, bemiddelaars en katalysatoren voor verandering en vrede. Het Nationaal Actieplan 1325 organiseert hierover een inspirerende bijeenkomst. In een interactief programma vol boeiende lezingen en scherpe debatten beschouwen we de actieve rol van vrouwen bij het stichten van vrede en bij de weder- opbouw van hun land.

Promotie: L.O. (Leah) Ombis
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 13:30 - 15:00
Title thesis: Management of plastic waste in urban Kenya is enabled through the innovative activities in production and recycling of plastic waste. Promotor: APJ Mol. Copromotor: BJM van Vliet.

Promotie Dhr. R. Weigel: Responding to HIV in Malawi. Towards a continuum of care
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 16:00
Een vroeg en wijdverbreid gebruik van antiretrovirale behandelingen (ART) gaat het doorgeven van hiv in Malawi tegen blijkt uit het promotieonderzoek van Ralf Weigel. Promotor: dhr. prof. dr. B.J.M. Brabin.

Debat en expositie: The Visual Collider
Dinsdag 11 December 2012 20:00
Het project is een eendagstentoonstelling Nina Czegledy (Hongarije/ Canada) en Marcus Neustetter (Zuid Afrika). Het project maakt gebruik van een uitklapbaar boek met foto's die dienen als een discussion piece. De kunstenaars gaan tijdens de tentoonstelling de discussie aan met publiek over kunst, financiering en crisis.
Woensdag 12 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.

M.A.Chinbuah: Sterfte Afrikaans kind met koortsziekte neemt niet af door longonstekingsantibioticum
Woensdag 12 December 2012 10:00
Promotion. Full title thesis: Community based management of fever in children 2-59 months with antimalarials and antibiotics in rural Ghana. Promotores: dhr. prof. dr. P.A. Kager en dhr. prof. dr. J. Gyapong (Universiteit van Ghana, Accra).
Donderdag 13 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.
Vrijdag 14 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.
Zaterdag 15 December

Conference: Biographies in Times of Crisis. Exploring Religious Narratives of Aids
A conference hosted by the Religion, Identity and Memory Research Group, Faculty of Religious Studies, University of Groningen & the International Research Network on AIDS and Religion in Africa (IRNARA). This conference aims to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the power, practices and ideologies that mark the (re)formulation of biographies in times of crisis. It aspires to do so by investigating the relationship between HIV/AIDS and religion in Africa through biography, life history and self-narratives.