Agenda 01 - 07 April 2012
Dinsdag 03 April

Land Governance and Local Livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region
Dinsdag 03 April 2012 13:30 - 17:00
LANDac, IKV Pax Christi, Van Vollenhoven Institute and African Studies Centre invite you to this seminar. This conference aims to discuss the contemporary challenges with regard to land governance and local livelihoods in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda.
Donderdag 05 April

Promotie Mw. Anja H. van t Hoog
Donderdag 05 April 2012 14:00
Titel proefschrift: Tuberculosis Case Finding in a Population with High HIV Prevalence in Western Kenya. Promotor: dhr. prof. dr. M. Borgdorff. Anja van ’t Hoog onderzocht het voorkomen van tbc in het westen van Kenia. In dit gebied is vijftien procent van de bevolking besmet met hiv en komt veel tbc voor.

Seminar about Archaeological remains in Southern Africa
Donderdag 05 April 2012 15:30 - 17:00
Whole title seminar: The Origins and Spread of Dry Laid, Stone-Walled Architecture in Pre-Colonial South Africa. Speaker: Dr. Karim Sadr, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.