Agenda 06 - 12 Mei 2012
Zondag 06 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

A Show of Spirit - 13th Harare International Festival of the Arts
The annual Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) showcases the very best of Zimbabwean, regional and international arts and culture in a comprehensive programme of theatre, dance, music, circus, street performance, spoken word, craft and visual arts. HIFA brings together socially and culturally disparate groups of Zimbabweans to celebrate the healing and constructive capacity of the arts. Our 2012 theme, A Show of Spirit, points to both the vibrant nature of HIFA, and the passion and aspiration of our audiences.

Meivakantie-actiteiten bij Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang
Dagelijks vinden in het museum activiteiten plaats aansluitend bij de tentoonstelling Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang, zoals de nieuwe voorstelling De grote Wijze van het woud waarin een combinatie wordt gemaakt van vertelkunst, dans en muziek. Het nieuwe Kinderbeeldenbos in het Buitenmuseum is open en de dieren in het bos komen tot leven. Kinderen worden prachtig geschminkt en kruipen zo in de huid van Afrikaanse dieren.
Maandag 07 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.
Dinsdag 08 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

Ronelda Kamfer (ZA) op Bijlmer Boekt!
Dinsdag 08 Mei 2012 20:30
Bijlmer Boekt! is varieté in de letterlijke zin van het woord: een gevarieerde avond met schrijvers, dichters, maar ook theatermakers, comedians, acteurs, zangers, rappers, muzikanten (m/v) in een avondvullend revue-achtig programma. Chrisine Otten zal de Zuid-Afrikaanse dichteres Ronelda Kamfer inleiden en interviewen.
Woensdag 09 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

WALE - 90 Years of Creativity
WALE (Wits Arts and Literature Experience) is the flagship event on the University of Witwatersrand calendar and has established itself as one the premier festivals in South Africa showcasing the best that Wits has to offer in dramatic arts, film, music, literature, theatre, dance and more. Theme this year is 90 Years of Creatvity.
Donderdag 10 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

WALE - 90 Years of Creativity
WALE (Wits Arts and Literature Experience) is the flagship event on the University of Witwatersrand calendar and has established itself as one the premier festivals in South Africa showcasing the best that Wits has to offer in dramatic arts, film, music, literature, theatre, dance and more. Theme this year is 90 Years of Creatvity.
Vrijdag 11 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

The Franschhoek Literary Festival 2012
The sixth Franschhoek Literary Festival kicks off on 11 May for the annual long weekend when writers gather in Franschhoek to discuss the latest books, complicated history and volatile now of the beloved country. The stories they tell, the scandals they uncover and the crimes they devise will unfold in more than eighty events over the three days.

WALE - 90 Years of Creativity
WALE (Wits Arts and Literature Experience) is the flagship event on the University of Witwatersrand calendar and has established itself as one the premier festivals in South Africa showcasing the best that Wits has to offer in dramatic arts, film, music, literature, theatre, dance and more. Theme this year is 90 Years of Creatvity.

The Night of 1000 Drawings , Expo, sale & party
Vrijdag 11 Mei 2012 20:00
De Brakke Grond en 1000 Drawings organiseren The Night of 1000 Drawings, een verkoopexpositie voor het goede doel met een eclectisch Vlaams & Nederlands programma vol muziek, dans, performances, workshops, beeldende kunst, fotografie, verhalen en avonturen. De opbrengsten gaan dit jaar naar Stichting FairPen, zij ontwikkelden een speciaal programma rond het maken van schoolkranten voor docenten en kinderen in Oeganda.
Zaterdag 12 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

Sunshine on a Rainy Day - a festival of Arts and Culture from Southern Africa
We are delighted to announce a one day festival that offers insights into the varied and rich culture of Southern Africa. The festival will feature a film screening, a panel discussion on theatre and politics in Southern Africa, a performance of The Rain That Washes and music from South African jazz trumpeter Claude Deppa.

The Franschhoek Literary Festival 2012
The sixth Franschhoek Literary Festival kicks off on 11 May for the annual long weekend when writers gather in Franschhoek to discuss the latest books, complicated history and volatile now of the beloved country. The stories they tell, the scandals they uncover and the crimes they devise will unfold in more than eighty events over the three days.

WALE - 90 Years of Creativity
WALE (Wits Arts and Literature Experience) is the flagship event on the University of Witwatersrand calendar and has established itself as one the premier festivals in South Africa showcasing the best that Wits has to offer in dramatic arts, film, music, literature, theatre, dance and more. Theme this year is 90 Years of Creatvity.

Afrikafeest van Stichting Teranga Nederland
Zaterdag 12 Mei 2012 19:00
Deze avond is georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van het 1-jarige jubileum van de Stichting. Een culinaire en culturele avond die de vele facetten van het Afrikaanse cultuur in het zonnetje gaat zetten. De Stichting Teranga Nederland gaat zich inzetten om de solidariteit te versterken onder de Afrikanen in het algemeen en de Senegalese in het bijzonder.