Agenda 01 - 07 Juli 2012
Zondag 01 Juli

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.

Studenten UvA zamelen geld in voor Zuid-Afrikaanse fotografe
Economiestudent Egor Gorshkov is met vier andere UvA-studenten een crowdfundingactie begonnen om voor 1 juli tienduizend dollar bij elkaar te krijgen voor de zeventienjarige Zuid-Afrikaanse activiste en fotografe Rudzani Matshili. Zij fotografeert de ellende in townships, maar heeft geld nodig voor een professionele camera, een laptop en een universitaire opleiding.

Afrikadag in Weert
Zondag 01 Juli 2012 12:00
Ieder jaar wordt in Weert de Afrikadag georganiseerd als fundraiser voor de Tuin van Toyo, een gehandicaptenproject in Benin. Een dagje uit in Afrikaanse sfeer, met kunst en Afrikaanse kunst, hapjes en drankjes en Afrikaanse hapjes, muziek, optredens, kinderactiviteiten etc.

Cultura Bunta Zomerfestival
Zondag 01 Juli 2012 12:00 - 19:00
Het festival biedt een gevarieerd programma met zonnige muziek uit verschillende werelddelen. Er is een terras met exotisch eten & drinken en je kunt gratis meedoen met allerlei muziek- en dansworkshops. Voor kids zijn er allerlei activiteiten zoals circus, schmink en clowns.

The Hague African Festival
Zondag 01 Juli 2012 13:00
The Hague African Festival gaat door en verhuist dit jaar vanuit het Zuiderpark naar de Spuiplein in het hartje van Den Haag. Africa in the City! Doorgaan van het evenement was geruime tijd een vraagteken, maar mede dankzij de steun van Gemeente Den Haag , Fonds 1818, en Culturalis vindt de vierde editie plaats. De Zimbabwaanse formatie Mokoomba is de headliner van het festival.

Stichting Dogon Onderwijs
Zondag 01 Juli 2012 16:00
De Stichting Dogon Onderwijs organiseert zondag 1 juli een feestje op de Herengracht 408 in Amsterdam. Er is een veiling van onder andere bijzondere Dogon sieraden, beeldjes, schilderijen, etc. Zoumana Diarra speelt prachtige Malinese muziek op zijn Kora. En er zijn lekkere hapjes en drankjes. S.v.p vooraf aanmelden.
Maandag 02 Juli

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.
Dinsdag 03 Juli

London 2012 Festival: Baaba Maal – Africa Utopia
Africa Utopia explores where the continent can lead the world, including the role of music and theatre, sustainable technologies and the spirit of innovation and hope of the continent’s young people. Senegalese singer and human rights champion Baaba Maal leads a council of elders of international musicians, artists, writers and activists in a three-week cultural summit, to show what Africa has to offer the world.

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.
Woensdag 04 Juli

London 2012 Festival: Baaba Maal – Africa Utopia
Africa Utopia explores where the continent can lead the world, including the role of music and theatre, sustainable technologies and the spirit of innovation and hope of the continent’s young people. Senegalese singer and human rights champion Baaba Maal leads a council of elders of international musicians, artists, writers and activists in a three-week cultural summit, to show what Africa has to offer the world.

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.
Donderdag 05 Juli

London 2012 Festival: Baaba Maal – Africa Utopia
Africa Utopia explores where the continent can lead the world, including the role of music and theatre, sustainable technologies and the spirit of innovation and hope of the continent’s young people. Senegalese singer and human rights champion Baaba Maal leads a council of elders of international musicians, artists, writers and activists in a three-week cultural summit, to show what Africa has to offer the world.

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.

African Cultural Festival at Hyde Park
Van Donderdag 05 Juli 2012 - 10:00
t/m Vrijdag 06 Juli 2012 - 20:00
Through African cultural dance, music, and the talking drum, the London 2012 African Cultural Festival will celebrate the many cultures of Africa. It will do this through a carnival and procession featuring various costumes, African talking drums, music and dances and London’s African diaspora communities from at least 30 countries are expected to participate.
Vrijdag 06 Juli

London 2012 Festival: Baaba Maal – Africa Utopia
Africa Utopia explores where the continent can lead the world, including the role of music and theatre, sustainable technologies and the spirit of innovation and hope of the continent’s young people. Senegalese singer and human rights champion Baaba Maal leads a council of elders of international musicians, artists, writers and activists in a three-week cultural summit, to show what Africa has to offer the world.

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.

African Cultural Festival at Hyde Park
Van Donderdag 05 Juli 2012 - 10:00
t/m Vrijdag 06 Juli 2012 - 20:00
Through African cultural dance, music, and the talking drum, the London 2012 African Cultural Festival will celebrate the many cultures of Africa. It will do this through a carnival and procession featuring various costumes, African talking drums, music and dances and London’s African diaspora communities from at least 30 countries are expected to participate.
Zaterdag 07 Juli

Africa American Festival
Baltimore's festival of African American music and culture has been a regional tradition for more than 30 years. This ultimate destination for the July 7th weekend hosts as many as 500k visitors enjoying world-class entertainment, celebrity challenges, the Baltimore SuperStar, the African American Film Festival and dynamic exhibits of arts, education and heritage.

London 2012 Festival: Baaba Maal – Africa Utopia
Africa Utopia explores where the continent can lead the world, including the role of music and theatre, sustainable technologies and the spirit of innovation and hope of the continent’s young people. Senegalese singer and human rights champion Baaba Maal leads a council of elders of international musicians, artists, writers and activists in a three-week cultural summit, to show what Africa has to offer the world.

National Arts Festival
The 38th National Arts Festival will once again showcase the best in South African and international art across every genre. The main programme's core is the cutting edge work of the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winners who continue to challenge and explore new directions as they establish their artistic voices. The winners will be presenting a varied and exciting programme of work in drama, dance, music, jazz and visual art.