Agenda 20 - 26 Januari 2013
Zondag 20 Januari

West-Afrikaanse palmwijnmuziek in 't Lloyd Hotel
Zondag 20 Januari 2013 20:00
On a warm Sunday at the West Africa coast, palmwine musician Seydu tells his story. He takes his listeners overseas to the mediteranean coast where he further developed his cultural heritage. He's open about the years in Spain, his return to Sierra Leone and the meaning he gives to the traditional Fulah culture. This story is recorded by journalist Liesbeth Tjon A Meeuw and put together in a musical audio-footage. Come and listen to Seydu. Presented by Liesbeth Tjon A Meeuw, Christina Carvalho in co-operation with Concerto and Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy. Entrance is free. Reservations:

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Maandag 21 Januari

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Dinsdag 22 Januari

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Woensdag 23 Januari

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Donderdag 24 Januari

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Vrijdag 25 Januari

African Dance Night Eindhoven
Vrijdag 25 Januari 2013 20:30 - 02:00
Zin om te swingen op heerlijke Afrikaanse muziek? Africa4Real organiseert de eerste editie in 2013 van haar African Party. Gratis entree

concert: Malick-Pathe-Sow & Bao Sissoko
Vrijdag 25 Januari 2013 20:30
Ze komen uit Senegal en ze stammen beiden uit een familie van griots, of verhalenvertellers, die de West-Afrikaanse tradities levend houden. Malick Pathé Sow heeft een warme stem en speelt Hoddu, de West-Afrikaanse luit, waarmee hij o.a. Baaba Maal begeleidde. In Europa ontmoette hij Bao Sissoko, die hem perfect aanvult met zowel zang als kora, de Afrikaanse harp.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Zaterdag 26 Januari

concert: Malick-Pathe-Sow & Bao Sissoko
Zaterdag 26 Januari 2013 20:00
Ze komen uit Senegal en ze stammen beiden uit een familie van griots, of verhalenvertellers, die de West-Afrikaanse tradities levend houden. Malick Pathé Sow heeft een warme stem en speelt Hoddu, de West-Afrikaanse luit, waarmee hij o.a. Baaba Maal begeleidde. In Europa ontmoette hij Bao Sissoko, die hem perfect aanvult met zowel zang als kora, de Afrikaanse harp.

Dancer Dancer - African Dance Night
Zaterdag 26 Januari 2013 22:00
Every last saturday of the month. Hosted by DJ Seliko: Coupe Decalle, Zouk Waarba, Soukous, M’Balax, N’dombolo. Meer info: of 06-14922491.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Januari 2013 22:00
t/m Woensdag 27 Februari 2013
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.