Agenda 18 - 24 Mei 2014
Dinsdag 20 Mei

promotie: Water management for rainfed maize in semi-arid Zimbabwe
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 11:00
PhD Defence IW (Innocent) Nyakudya - "Water management for rainfed maize in semi-arid Zimbabwe". Promoter: L (Leo) Stroosnijder. Organisation: Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management

promotie: climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 13:30
PhD Defence L (Lizzie) Mujuru - "The Potential of Soil Carbon Sequestration to mitigate against climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe". Promoter: prof.dr. HBJ (Rik) Leemans; Co-promoter: MR (Marcel) Hoosbeek. Organisation: Wageningen University, Earth System Science and Climate Change Group

Inaugural lecture Prince Claus Chairholder 2013/2015 by Dr Jumoke Oduwole
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 16:00 - 18:00
Inaugural Lecture as Prince Claus Chairholder by Dr Jumoke Oduwole (Nigeria). Dr. Oduwole will hold the position of Prince Claus chairholder for a period of two years (September 2013 - September 2015) working on research on The Right to Development. Oduwole aims to define this theme in the African context and in relation to trade and human rights.
Woensdag 21 Mei

promotie M.E. Davies - The Locality of Chieftainship in Northern Malawi
Woensdag 21 Mei 2014 16:15
mw. M.E. Davies - The Locality of Chieftainship: Territory, Authority and Local Politics in Northern Malawi, 1870-1974. Promotor: Prof.dr. R.J. Ross
Donderdag 22 Mei

ASC Seminar - Who's throwing the stones? On urban youth
Donderdag 22 Mei 2014 15:30
Full title: Who's throwing the stones? Preliminary findings and reflections on urban youth and protests in Kampala and Conakry. Joschka Philipps, Center for African Studies Basel. Protests and riots in African cities feature young men as key actors.Their diversity and ambiguity obviously challenge theory building - recent contributions have thus turned to interpreting youth as discursive or “ideological” formations. This seminar argues instead for a more systematic empirical inquiry into youth and politics by taking a comparative perspective. Please register.
Vrijdag 23 Mei

Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Perceptions of the International Criminal Court
In light of the simmering tensions between the Court and some African leaders, ongoing protests in African countries against the ICC and the frequently heard objection that the Court has an anti-Africa bias, it seems timely to explore the perceptions and realities of the ICC in Africa. The organisers are therefore very pleased to be able to offer a range of high-level contributions from a variety of disciplines - including international law, international relations, political science, anthropology, history and media studies - to explore African realities and perceptions of the Court and reach a better understanding of them. Please register.
Zaterdag 24 Mei

Africans and Hague Justice: Realities and Perceptions of the International Criminal Court
In light of the simmering tensions between the Court and some African leaders, ongoing protests in African countries against the ICC and the frequently heard objection that the Court has an anti-Africa bias, it seems timely to explore the perceptions and realities of the ICC in Africa. The organisers are therefore very pleased to be able to offer a range of high-level contributions from a variety of disciplines - including international law, international relations, political science, anthropology, history and media studies - to explore African realities and perceptions of the Court and reach a better understanding of them. Please register.