Donderdag 22 Mei 2014

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
ASC Seminar - Who's throwing the stones? On urban youth
Donderdag 22 Mei 2014 15:30
ASC Seminar - Who's throwing the stones? On urban youth
Donderdag 22 Mei 2014 15:30
Full title: Who's throwing the stones? Preliminary findings and reflections on urban youth and protests in Kampala and Conakry. Joschka Philipps, Center for African Studies Basel. Protests and riots in African cities feature young men as key actors.Their diversity and ambiguity obviously challenge theory building - recent contributions have thus turned to interpreting youth as discursive or “ideological” formations. This seminar argues instead for a more systematic empirical inquiry into youth and politics by taking a comparative perspective. Please register.