Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014

promotie: Water management for rainfed maize in semi-arid Zimbabwe
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 11:00
PhD Defence IW (Innocent) Nyakudya - "Water management for rainfed maize in semi-arid Zimbabwe". Promoter: prof.dr.ir. L (Leo) Stroosnijder. Organisation: Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management

promotie: climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 13:30
PhD Defence L (Lizzie) Mujuru - "The Potential of Soil Carbon Sequestration to mitigate against climate change in forests and agro ecosystems of Zimbabwe". Promoter: prof.dr. HBJ (Rik) Leemans; Co-promoter: dr.ir. MR (Marcel) Hoosbeek. Organisation: Wageningen University, Earth System Science and Climate Change Group

Inaugural lecture Prince Claus Chairholder 2013/2015 by Dr Jumoke Oduwole
Dinsdag 20 Mei 2014 16:00 - 18:00
Inaugural Lecture as Prince Claus Chairholder by Dr Jumoke Oduwole (Nigeria). Dr. Oduwole will hold the position of Prince Claus chairholder for a period of two years (September 2013 - September 2015) working on research on The Right to Development. Oduwole aims to define this theme in the African context and in relation to trade and human rights.