Agenda 12 - 18 Mei 2019
Donderdag 16 Mei

ASCL Seminar Series: Presence and social obligation: An essay on the share
Donderdag 16 Mei 2019 15:30 - 17:00
In a 2015 book, James Ferguson analysed the notion of sharing as a principle of distribution of social protection payments or “cash transfers” in the Global South in general, and in southern Africa in particular. Noting that current schemes of distribution are (like all “social” schemes before them) limited by principles of nation-state membership, he concluded that it may be possible to detect new logics of social obligation emerging that work not according to a logic of citizenship and national membership, but according to a principle of “presence”. This seminar will elaborate this conception and develop a more complete account of how such an understanding of presence might provide a basis both for an expanded sense of social obligation and for more inclusionary forms of politics. Chair: Prof. Rijk van Dijk, ASCL. Speaker: James Ferguson, Stanford University

The Mirror in the Ground: archaeology, photography and the making of an African disciplinary archive
Donderdag 16 Mei 2019 16:00 - 18:00
The Mirror in the Ground is a curated book of twelve short visual essays, drawing on photographs from the collection of John Goodwin, the South African archaeologist. Goodwin was a formative figure in the founding of South African (and African) archaeology. The collection relating to his life and work consists of manuscripts and typescripts, field notebooks, a voluminous correspondence, and so on. It also consists of thousands of photographic prints, negatives and glass plates. The photographs speak of a number of significant themes in the founding and "disciplining" of archaeology as a knowledge project in the first half of the twentieth century. These include the role of fieldwork and the emergence of a conception of the archaeological field, the role of so-called "native" labour in archaeology, the emergence of an enthusiastic amateur constituency, the evolution of fieldwork techniques, and so on. In examining the conjunction between archaeology and photography, I am particularly interested in the role of the visual imagination in the making of the discipline. More generally, I am interested in exploring what it means to approach intellectual history through the photographic image.

Discussie: Born Frees - Hoop versus valse hoop
Donderdag 16 Mei 2019 19:30
Op 8 mei gaan de Zuid-Afrikaanse kiezers naar de stembus. In deze zesde vrije verkiezingen wordt de Nasionale Vergadering gekozen, waarna het parlement bepaalt wie de nieuwe president wordt. Welke verschuivingen zullen er na de verkiezingen van 8 mei te zien zijn en welke consequenties heeft dat voor de verschillende groepen in het land? Waar kiezen de Born Frees (de generatie die na de Apartheid is geboren) voor? En specifiek: wat zijn de gevolgen voor de Afrikaanstalige gemeenschappen in Zuid-Afrika? Jan-Bart Gewald (directeur Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden), Harry Wels (Universitair Docent VU, ASC) en Frans Kamsteeg (Sociale Wetenschappen VU) gaan in gesprek onder leiding van journalist, schrijver en Afrika-kenner Marnix de Bruyne. Ook zullen de fotografen Ilvy Njiokiktjien en Melinda Stuurman (Son, ZA) toelichting op deze vragen geven vanuit hun perspectief als fotografen. Dit programma is in samenwerking met Museum Hilversum tot stand gekomen. Daar is van 11 april t/m 16 juni de fototentoonstelling ‘BORN FREES, Mandela´s generation of hope’ met werk van Ilvy Njiokiktjien te zien. Op 22 mei organiseert Museum Hilversum i.s.m. het Zuid-Afrikahuis een discussie over de geschiedenis en actualiteit van Zuid-Afrika met Erik Bähre (Universiteit Leiden), Hinde Haest (curator FOAM) en fotograaf Melinda Stuurman. Aanmelden: Toegang: € 10.00