Agenda 25 - 31 Augustus 2019
Woensdag 28 Augustus

Nederland, Wageningen - Auditorium Wageningen - Lezing en debat
PhD defence - Optimizing Young Child Nutrition in Ethiopia: The effectiveness, acceptance and risks of Micronutrient Powders
Woensdag 28 Augustus 2019 13:30 - 15:00
PhD defence - Optimizing Young Child Nutrition in Ethiopia: The effectiveness, acceptance and risks of Micronutrient Powders
Woensdag 28 Augustus 2019 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: AS (Aregash) Hafebo. PromotorL EJM (Edith) Feskens. Co-promotor: ID (Inge) Brouwer & SJM (Saskia) Osendarp. Organisation: Wageningen University, Human Nutrition & Health