Donderdag 21 April 2011

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Room 1A41, Pieter de la Court Building - Lezing en debat
Africa Today Seminar: The Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Donderdag 21 April 2011 15:30
Africa Today Seminar: The Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Donderdag 21 April 2011 15:30
Nicholas Koumjian, Principle Trial Attorney, Special Court for Sierra Leone. This court was set up in January 2002 in a treaty between the Government of Sierra Leone and the United Nations. The treaty and its statutes gave the court the jurisdiction to try those considered ‘most responsible’ for the atrocities that were committed in Sierra Leone between 30 November 1996 and 18 January 2002. Please register.