Donderdag 07 April 2011

promotie: Zelfbescherming dreef deel Soedanese burgers naar rebellenbestaan
Donderdag 07 April 2011 14:00
Saskia Baas verdedigt om 14.00uur haar proefschrift: From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians. A micro-approach to Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) in Sudan

ISS Kapuscinski Lecture - True and untrue EU Strategic Partnerships with Africa
Donderdag 07 April 2011 15:00
During the past decade, emerging countries & corporate players have come to see the African continent as a pioneering front. Bach argues that such representations do not apply to the analysis of Africa-EU interactions. Lecture by Professor Daniel Bach. Followed by panel discussion.
The Kapuscinski Lectures Serie: Lecture ‘True and untrue EU Strategic Partnerships with Africa’
Donderdag 07 April 2011 15:00 - 18:00
About the project ‘Kapuscinski Lectures’: Experts from around the world deliver lectures on development in European Union countries.
During the past decade, emerging countries and a number of corporate players have come to see the African continent as a pioneering front. Bach argues that such representations do not apply to the analysis of Africa-EU interactions.
The Kapuscinski Lectures Serie: Lecture ‘True and untrue EU Strategic Partnerships with Africa’