Dinsdag 26 April 2011

Leeskring Zuid-Afrikahuis: Benederyk
Dinsdag 26 April 2011 19:30
Werk van Ingrid Winterbach wordt behandeld door Ena Jansen. Over 2 broers: Aaron, schilder en Stefaan, ex- verslaafde. Het verhaal neemt onverwachte wendingen. De broers brengen hulde aan hun opa, mijnwerker in het 'benedenrijk'. Reserveren via site.

RijksakademieLIVE #2: Where are the artists?
A conversation with curators and artists concerning the important questions: Why do artists withdraw from large-scale exhibitions? Why are exhibitions curated by artists so interesting? Amoung the participating artists Moshekwa Langa, a South-African artist currently living and working in Amsterdam, former Rijksakademie resident. See website fpr a live stream.